A better way to protect your passwords

Try it!
  • Free: No cost
  • Easy: No sign-up
  • Safe: We don't store your passwords
Why? Because you know ...
  • Security threats on the web are real.
  • You should use a strong & unique password for each website you use.
  • You cannot remember all of those strong & unique passwords.
  • You need to store them ...but store them securely using encryption.
  • SecureMyPW encrypts your passwords so you can store them safely (you decide where).


  • Pick a good password to use as your SecureMyPW password. Remember it! It's the only password you now need to remember. Do not use it anywhere else.
  • Click "Start Now", enter your info, and click to create a secure link/URL containing your info encrypted.
  • Cut & paste the secure link/URL to save it any place you want that lets you save a link/URL: such as a spreadsheet, your browser's bookmarks, a Google Drive doc, ...
  • Later, ... click the secure link/URL and enter your SecureMyPW password to retrieve your other password.
  • Cut & paste the other password (now decrypted) into the other website to sign-in.
  • Repeat for each website you use ... re-using the same SecureMyPW password (the only password you now need to remember).